Functions of this committee are;
• Develop five (5) year strategic plan in line with HSSP V of the GoT
• Develop Society Financial regulations
• Work with Excom to prepare annual action plans and budgets
• Review and approval all financial reports before they are shared to stakeholders
• Innovate more payment methods like “lipa pesa”
• Develop and organize fund raising activities
• Collaborate with “Education, Research and Publications
• Committee” to solicit funds for carrying out research activities
• Assist the Treasurer in ensuring membership and subscription fees and other financial and non-financial resources are collected, properly managed and audited
• Ensure proper utilization of both financial and non-financial resources.
• Advise the EXCOM about new committees to be formulated that will help the Society
• Lead other committees to formulate and organize Tanzania Pharmaceuticals Summit/Exhibitions and East Africa Pharmaceuticals Summit/Exhibitions