Functions of this committee are;
• Design and arrange Continuing Education programs for members
• Coordinate Scientific conferences, meetings and workshops
• Coordinate research activities and solicit funds for carrying out research activities
• Pharmaceutical Journal, newsletters and the like on issues related to Pharmacy profession
• Establish YouTube channel, together with IT Solutions Committee, for education
• Established short courses tailored to address profession needs
• Encourage members in Writing/Publishing relevant reference books for different levels of students and tutors guide
• Advocate and advise stakeholders and authorities on curriculum
• Establish programs to build capacity for trainers in pharmacy
• Identify and research on areas of improvement in training
• Start media programs- “Ask your Pharmacist” or the like.
• Establish mentorship programs for young pharmaceutical personnel
• Create/Develop way for access of international journals for interested members
• Link and collaborate with international pharmaceutical association, like FIP, CPA in areas of training and capacity building
• Link with other training and capacity building stakeholders like Empower School of Health etc
• Create/Develop excellence awards to pharmacists and students eg. Dr Mshiu Award, TMDA award and the like if they are not established